DEALPOS - Frequently Asked Question - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Our most common Q & A

Subscription Questions

Can the data i made during trial period be carried to my subscription?
Yes, if you decide to subscribe once your 14 days trial period finish, data that you have input in your account will be retained
Do I have to sign a long term contract?
No, you can pay on a monthly basis and cancel your subscription at any time without any penalty
Do you offer one time purchase?
No, our product is sold using subscription model / software as a service
Is my subscription prepaid / postpaid?
Subscription is prepaid, you pay upfront to use our service once your 14 days trial is complete.
Do you offer discount for business with many outlets?
Yes if you have more than 10 outlets, we can offer discount to your monthly subscription.
Semester and Yearly Subscription Discount?
Yes we give 10% discount for 6 months prepaid subscription and 15% for yearly subscription.
I have some outlets with small number of orders, do i need to pay extra?
We only charge for outlets which process more than 25 orders / month.

Migration & Implementation

I want to migrate from another system to yours
Our software provides import mechanism using CSV (Comma Separated Values) files.
I need help with setup
We can provide setup assistance to your location / on-premise training.

Customization & Integration

I would like to alter some parts of your product, can this be done?
Yes, our engineer is available to develop your custom requirement, we will however charge for this service depending on complexity.
Do you provide API
Yes our API is available on our Help Center
I have more questions
Feel free to contact us using our Live Chat :)